POS machine

Smart payment system for public transportation fare

Now a days, considering people's need and easy payment systems, as well as, technology development and online purchase and payment systems, people feel the need for online payments for fares as well. Therefore, paying cash for fares can be prevented and online payments can be replaced.


3.5 inches LCD (DHF)

Capacitive screen (multi touch)

Particular taxi launcher installation

Payment by citizenship card

Possibility to pay bills

Possibility to buy credit for cellphones

Barcode reader

QR code reader



Possibility to Pay without carrying your bank card Des Five 1K E17

Possibility to install various payment software APK

Android 1.0.5 operating system

Payment by bank cards

Possibility to install various managing and transferring taxi software

Possibility to connect to the car multimedia system

میدان پونک، بلوار میرزابابایی، بعد از تقاطع سردار جنگل، خ شاهد، خ آسترکی غربی، پلاک 27، ساختمان اتولوکس